23–25 Oct 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

A Cloud-Native Virtual Bioimage Analysis Research Desktop (BARD) for Deployment of Containerised Bioimage Tools on Kubernetes

23 Oct 2024, 14:00
2h 30m
Triulza Academy

Triulza Academy

Board: 14


Arif Khan (EMBL Heidelberg)


Bioimage analysis research workflows often require the use of various software tools and demand significant computational power and high interactivity. These workflows can result in inconsistent results due to dependencies on particular software and operating systems, an issue that becomes especially evident as computationally intensive methods like deep learning become more common.
To tackle the challenge, we have developed BARD, a Kubernetes-based virtual bioimage analysis research desktop service, leveraging the abcdesktop.io project (https://www.abcdesktop.io/). It enables bioimage analysts to quickly access a personal cloud-based desktop capable of handling complex computations and image processing tasks, eliminating the local hardware limitations.Each software in the BARD desktop is containerised along with its specific versions and required dependencies. This ensures a consistent environment across different computing platforms, enabling researchers to reproduce identical experimental results from any computer, anywhere. By leveraging Kubernetes, BARD offers a resource-efficient alternative to virtual machines, reducing the consumption of computational resources such as CPU and memory usage,as well as streamlining software deployment.

Authors Yi Sun, Christian Tischer, Jean-Karim Heriche
Keywords cloud-native, virtual desktops, kubernetes, bioimage analysis, containers

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