Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Intermediate napari: from exploratory workflow to widgets

Oct 23, 2024, 10:45 AM
Upper Egg Room - Big (Human Technopole)

Upper Egg Room - Big

Human Technopole


Peter Sobolewski (The Jackson Laboratory)


The workshop will involve live coding, showing how one can use a Jupyter notebook for exploratory data analysis in napari and then make simple widgets based on that. The target is someone who has some familiarity with the napari application and bioimage analysis in Python and wants to take the next steps to customize/extend the napari GUI. For this, magicgui will be introduced as a way to generate widgets quickly and easily.

Target audience Intermediate users
Keywords napari, magicgui, Python, Jupyter, widgets

Presentation materials

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