23–25 Oct 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Intro to MemBrain v2: Membrane Analysis in Cryo-ET

25 Oct 2024, 14:30
PIT.P01.011 (Human Technopole)


Human Technopole


Joel Valdivia Ortega (Helmholtz Zentrum München) Lorenz Lamm (Helmholtz Zentrum München)


In this workshop, we would like to introduce the functionalities of MemBrain v2 and demonstrate its handling using some showcase examples.
We will introduce MemBrain v2's three main components: MemBrain-seg is our out-of-the-box U-Net that gives good segmentations on a wide variety of tomograms. MemBrain-pick closely interacts with an annotation software to enable interactive training and annotation of a membrane protein localization network. MemBrain-stats combines the outputs of the previous components and aids the evaluation of the analyzed membranes.

Target audience Beginner users, Intermediate users, Advanced users, Beginner developers, Intermediate developers
Keywords membrane segmentation, membrane analysis, deep learning, cryo-electron tomography

Presentation materials

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