Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

QuPath for Groovy Scripters

Oct 25, 2024, 2:30 PM
HT Auditorium (Human Technopole)

HT Auditorium

Human Technopole


Léo Plat (University of Edinbrugh)


QuPath is a popular open-source platform for visualizing, annotating and analyzing complex images - including whole slide and highly multiplexed datasets. QuPath is written in Java and scriptable with Groovy, which makes it portable, powerful, and... sometimes a pain if you aren't a programmer. It can also be annoying if you are a programmer, but you find Groovy's syntax weird { and impenetrable } and QuPath's API even worse.
This workshop will introduce the key concepts of scripting in QuPath, demonstrate what is possible, and show some Groovy tips and tricks. It will also explore some of the implications of QuPath's design, to explain why some things that are hard in other software might be easy in QuPath - and vice versa.

Target audience Intermediate users, Advanced users, Beginner developers, Intermediate developers, Advanced developers
Keywords qupath, groovy, scripting, whole slide, pathology, microscopy, automation

Presentation materials

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