Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Lazy parallel processing and visualization of large data with ImgLib2, BigDataViewer, the N5-API, and Spark

Oct 25, 2024, 9:45 AM
1h 30m
Upper Egg Room - Big (Human Technopole)

Upper Egg Room - Big

Human Technopole


Stephan Saalfeld (HHMI Janelia) Tobias Pietzsch (HHMI Janelia)


Modern microscopy and other scientific data acquisition methods generate large high-dimensional datasets exceeding the size of computer main memory and often local storage
space. In this workshop, you will learn to create lazy processing workflows with ImgLib2, using the N5 API for storing and loading large n-dimensional datasets, and how to use Spark to parallelize such workflows on compute clusters. You will use BigDataViewer to visualize and test processing results. Participants will perform practical exercises, and learn skills applicable to a high performance / cluster computing.

Target audience Intermediate developers, Advanced developers
Keywords BigDataViewer, Imglib2, Big data, Fiji, Visualization, HDF5, N5, Zarr, Spark

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