Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Object Tracking and track analysis using TrackMate and CellTracksColab

Oct 23, 2024, 10:45 AM
PIT.P01.011 (Human Technopole)


Human Technopole


Joanna Pylvänäinen (Åbo Akademi University)


In life sciences, tracking objects within movies is crucial for quantifying the behavior of particles, organelles, bacteria, cells, and entire organisms. However, tracking multiple objects across numerous movies and analyzing the objects’ movements can be challenging. This workshop aims to demonstrate the effective utilization of TrackMate for object tracking across multiple movies through hands-on exercises. Additionally, participants will learn how to compile, analyze, and explore the acquired tracking data using the CellTracksColab platform. Both tools offer user-friendly interfaces tailored to life scientists without coding experience.

Target audience Beginner users, Intermediate users, Advanced users
Keywords Tracking, track analysis, TrackMate, CellTracksColab

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