Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Reproducible Scientific Figure Creation with Fiji/ImageJ and Inkscape

Oct 24, 2024, 9:45 AM
1h 30m
HT Auditorium (Human Technopole)

HT Auditorium

Human Technopole


Jan Brocher (BioVoxxel) Jerome Mutterer (IBMP)


We - Jerome Mutterer and Jan Brocher - would like to introduce participants in this joint hands-on workshop to discover the flexible potential of ImageJ or Fiji alongside Inkscape for crafting scientific figures, slides, or posters. Our aim is not only to effectively incorporate traditional elements such as scale bars or labels but also to integrate reproducible content whenever possible. The workshop demonstrates simple figure panel creation steps in combination with additional scientific data visualizations, accompanied by the necessary code (from ImageJ, Python, or R) for their reproducible creation. By embedding code as well as metadata directly within the figure document, we ensure traceability of image processing methods and simplify the reproduction of identical visualizations with new datasets. Furthermore, we prioritize data preservation and demonstrate how to uphold best image quality and data integrity.

Target audience Beginner users, Intermediate users, Advanced users
Keywords ImageJ, Fiji, Inkscape, Figures, Reproducibility, Image Integrity

Presentation materials

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