Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

QuPath for Beginners

Oct 24, 2024, 5:00 PM
Upper Egg Room - Big (Human Technopole)

Upper Egg Room - Big

Human Technopole


Fiona Inglis (University of Edinbrugh)


QuPath is a popular open-source platform for visualizing, annotating and analyzing complex images - including whole slide and highly multiplexed datasets. It's especially useful for digital pathology applications, but can also be used for a wide range of other tasks (albeit mostly 2D... for now).
This work will introduce QuPath's main features, concepts and interface. It will show examples of problems QuPath can solve well on its own, as well as introduce the idea of scripts, extensions and integrations that can help integrate QuPath into more complex workflows when needed.

Target audience Beginner users
Keywords qupath, pathology, whole slide, microscopy, brightfield, multiplexed, interactive machine learning

Presentation materials

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