Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

AI4Life: Empowering BioImaging through the BioEngine

Oct 25, 2024, 12:30 PM
Mezzanine Room (Human Technopole)

Mezzanine Room

Human Technopole


Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência) Nils Mechtel (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)


Join us for an engaging hands-on workshop at the Image to Knowledge Conference, where we will introduce participants to our collective efforts in the AI4Life project, a Horizon Europe-funded initiative to make AI tools accessible to the bioimage community and bridge the gap between life scientists and computational experts. This workshop brings the opportunity for participants to discover and get started using the BioImage Model Zoo (https://bioimage.io) for sharing AI models, the BioEngine (https://ai4life.eurobioimaging.eu/announcing-bioengine/) for running models in the cloud, and collaborative annotation tools.

Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the following key components of the AI4Life project:

  • Using AI Models via the BioEngine in Python: Learn how to interact with the BioEngine server using Python API. You will learn how to send images to the BioEngine server to run a selected model in the bioimage model zoo and obtain results in your own image analysis workflow.
  • Collaborative Image Annotation Tool: Explore our innovative tool for crowd-sourced image annotation among many users, featuring the Segment Anything Model for interactive annotation. This tool facilitates efficient and accurate image labeling, enabling collaborative efforts to enhance dataset quality and annotation precision.

Designed for life science researchers, computational scientists, and anyone interested in harnessing AI for bioimage analysis, this workshop will equip participants with practical skills on cutting-edge open-source technology to apply AI methods in their own research, contributing to the rapid pace of biomedical discoveries.
Join us to unlock the potential of AI in bioimage analysis and be part of the AI4Life journey towards a future of enhanced scientific insights and breakthroughs.

Target audience Beginner developers, Intermediate developers, Advanced developers
Keywords deep learning, bioengine, AI4Life, collaborative framework, cloud computing

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