Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Open-source bio-image analysis using surface meshes

Oct 24, 2024, 9:45 AM
1h 30m
Lower Egg Room (Human Technopole)

Lower Egg Room

Human Technopole


Clément Benedetti (CNRS)


In some cases, meshes have advantages over the use of voxels for image analysis (lightweight representation, surface features, ...)
In this workshop, participants will learn:
- How to pass from a voxels representation to a mesh, and vice-versa.
- How to use Blender and Napari as well as some dedicated Python modules to filter, process or extract measures from meshes.

Target audience Advanced users, Beginner developers, Intermediate developers
Keywords mesh, 3D, surface, measure, blender, napari, python, pymeshlab, openmesh

Presentation materials

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