Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Building Your Own Chatbot for BioImage Analysis

Oct 23, 2024, 5:00 PM
Mezzanine Room (Human Technopole)

Mezzanine Room

Human Technopole


Caterina Fuster Barceló (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)


"The BioImage.IO Chatbot (https://github.com/bioimage-io/bioimageio-chatbot) is a chat assistant we created to empower the bioimaging community with state-of-the-art Large Language Models. Through the help of a series of extensions, the BioImage.IO Chatbot is able to query documentation and retrieve information from online databases and image.sc forum, as well as generating code and executing bioimage analysis tasks. To make it even more useful for the community, we developed an extension mechanism for the chatbot to interface with the user's own tools. Custom chatbots can be created by developing extensions for your own specific tasks, such as controlling a microscope or running a bioimage analysis workflow.

During the workshop, participants will engage in the practical aspects of chatbot extension development, learning to tailor the chatbot’s functionalities to meet the specific needs of diverse research projects. This approach democratizes the application of complex computational tools, encouraging a collaborative environment where researchers can both share and enhance bioimage analysis techniques."

Target audience Beginner developers, Intermediate developers
Keywords LLMs, Bioimage Analysis, Custom Chatbot

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