23–25 Oct 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

QuPath for Python Programmers

23 Oct 2024, 17:00
HT Auditorium (Human Technopole)

HT Auditorium

Human Technopole


Allan O'Callaghan (University of Edinbrugh)


QuPath is a popular, open-source platform for visualizing, annotating and analyzing complex images - including whole slide and highly multiplexed datasets. QuPath is written in Java and scriptable with Groovy, which makes it portable, powerful, and... sometimes a pain if you'd rather be working in Python (sometimes we would too).

This workshop will show how QuPath and Python can work happily together, and how Python programmers can benefit from incorporating some QuPath into their skillset. It is especially relevant for deep learning afficionados who want to use QuPath for annotation and visualization, as well as for existing QuPath users who want to dig deeper into their data with Jupyter notebooks.

Target audience Advanced users, Beginner developers, Intermediate developers, Advanced developers
Keywords qupath, python, whole slide, pathology, annotation, deep learning, interoperability

Presentation materials

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