Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

3D quantitative image analysis of cell fate acquisition during lateral inhibition

Oct 24, 2024, 2:00 PM
2h 30m
Triulza Academy

Triulza Academy

Board: 23


Minh-Son Phan (Institut Pasteur Paris)


Lateral inhibition mediates the adoption of alternative cell fates to produce regular cell fate patterns, with fate symmetry breaking (SB) relying on the amplification of small stochastic differences in Notch activity via an intercellular negative feedback loop. Here, we used quantitative live imaging of endogenous Scute (Sc) to study the emergence of Sensory Organ Precursor cells (SOPs) in the pupal abdomen of Drosophila. We developed 3D image analysis pipeline that denoised the nuclei using Noise2Void, segmented them by intensity-based thresholding, filtered undesired objects based on different criteria. We then tracked the SOP nuclei by Mastodon and developed an interactive webpage based on Dash-Plotly for inspecting and correcting the SOP’s neighbors. We defined fate difference index (FDI) relying on the Sc signals between SOP and its neighbors to identify time point of SB and study the cell fate divergence around the SB. In addition, we used EpySeg and Tissue Analyzer to segment and track apical areas of all cells. Then, the neighboring cells change was inspected over time to score the cell-cell intercalation.

Authors Minh-Son Phan*, Francois Schweisguth
Keywords Noise2Void, Mastodon, Dash-Plotly, EpySeg, Tissue Analyzer, Fate Divergence, Lateral Inhibition, Notch, Scute, Symmetry Breaking, Cell-Cell Intercalation.

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