23–25 Oct 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

DaCapo: a modular deep learning framework for scalable 3D image segmentation

24 Oct 2024, 14:00
2h 30m
Triulza Academy

Triulza Academy

Board: 17


Marwan Zouinkhi (HHMI - Janelia)


DaCapo is a specialized deep learning library tailored to expedite the training and application of existing machine learning approaches on large near-isotropic image data. In this correspondence, we introduce DaCapo’s unique features optimized for this specific domain, highlighting its modular structure, efficient experiment management tools, and scalable deployment capabilities. We discuss its poten- tial to enhance the efficiency of isotropic image segmentation and invite the community to explore and contribute to this open-source initiative.

Authors William Patton*, Jeff Rhoades*, Marwan Zouinkhi*,David Ackerman, Caroline Mayor, Diane Adjavon, Larissa Heinrich, Adam Taylor, Davis Bennett, Yurii Zubov, Aubrey Weigel+, Jan Funke+
Keywords deep learning, machine learning, segmentation, big data, open source

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