23–25 Oct 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Mars, a molecule archive suite for analysis of single molecule properties from bioimages

23 Oct 2024, 14:00
2h 30m
Triulza Academy

Triulza Academy

Board: 53


Karl Duderstadt (Technical University of Munich (TUM))


The development of single-molecule imaging approaches to study cellular machineries reconstituted from purified components is generating more diverse and complex datasets. These datasets can reveal the dynamic motion of protein assemblies, exchange kinetics of individual components and landscape of pathways supporting essential cellular reactions. However, few solutions exist for processing and reporting these information-rich datasets, posing challenges for reproducibility and wider dissemination. To address this issue, we developed Mars, a collection of Fiji commands written in Java for common single-molecule analysis tasks using a Molecule Archive architecture that is easily adapted to multistep workflows. Mars supports interactive biomolecule feature exploration through a graphical user interface written in JavaFX that provides charts, scriptable dashboards, and interactive image views. To further enhance collaboration, our recent efforts have been focused on a major revision of the Mars data storage model to support cloud storage locations as well as the addition of new commands and workflows to track the shapes of objects. Mars provides a flexible solution for reproducible analysis of image-derived properties, facilitating the discovery and quantitative classification of new biological phenomena.

Authors Thomas M Retzer, Karl E Duderstadt*
Keywords single molecule microscopy, reproducibility, JavaFX, protein dynamics, DNA Replication

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