2:00 PM
MicroSplit: Semantic Unmixing of Fluorescent Microscopy Data
Ashesh Ashesh
(Human Technopole)
2:00 PM
pymmcore-plus: a pure python way to control your microscope with Micro-Manager
Federico Gasparoli
(Harvard University)
2:00 PM
Diffusion Models in Microscopy: Bleedthrough Removal, Image Splitting, and Dehazing
Anirban Ray
(Human Technopole)
2:00 PM
A contour-based alignment tool enabling to merge data from live acquisition & immunofluorescence
Anne-Sophie MACE
2:00 PM
pyCyto: A Pythonic Cytotoxicity Analysis Pipeline
Jacky Ka Long Ko
(University of Oxford)
2:00 PM
Computational modeling of nanoscale synapse morphology and organization using correlative super-resolution microscopy
Antoine J.-F. Salomon
2:00 PM
A Comprehensive Image Analysis Pipeline for Investigating Autism Spectrum Disorder-like Behaviours in Drosophila melanogaster
Arianna Ravera
(University of Lausanne)
2:00 PM
BioImage.IO Chatbot: A Community-Driven AI Assistant for Integrative Computational Bioimaging
Caterina Fuster Barceló
(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
2:00 PM
Semi-automatic tracing and analysis of neurons in Brainbow images
Clément Caporal
(Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS)
2:00 PM
Automated mapping of 3D smFISH gene expression data to electron microscopy
Elena Buglakova
2:00 PM
Untangling spaghetti: using BigTrace plugin to analyze 3D filaments in time and space
Eugene A. Katrukha
(Utrecht University)
2:00 PM
Deep learning-based classification for label-free microscopy
Franziska Schöb
(University of Oslo)
2:00 PM
Phenomic data exploration guides drug discovery in a human disease network
Alba Guembe Mülberger
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
2:00 PM
Deep learning enables cross-modality super-resolution for volumetric reconstruction
Hyoungjun Park
(EMBL & ETH Zürich)
2:00 PM
napari-signal-classifier: Leveraging Interactive Temporal Features Annotation to Classify Signals and Events
Marcelo Leomil Zoccoler
(Physics of Life (PoL) - TU Dresden)
2:00 PM
Morphodynamics of human brain organoid development
Akanksha Jain
(ETH Zürich)
2:00 PM
BrainGlobe: Accessible software for neuroanatomy of emerging model organisms
Alessandro Felder
(University College London)
2:00 PM
Quantification of microtubule-guided peroxisome migration using a hidden Markov chain model
Carl-Magnus Svensson
2:00 PM
Run-length based mathematical morphology for efficient processing of large 3D images
David Legland
2:00 PM
A Cloud-Native Virtual Bioimage Analysis Research Desktop (BARD) for Deployment of Containerised Bioimage Tools on Kubernetes
Arif Khan
(EMBL Heidelberg)
2:00 PM
Shaping progress in biomedical image processing with project-based learning
Andreas Kist
(Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
2:00 PM
Example of a FBIAS project: mutliple fish tracking
Arthur Meslin
(FBIAS, Institut Curie)
2:00 PM
High-throughput in-vivo single-molecule imaging of DNA repair in E. coli
Daniel Thedie
(University of Edinburgh)
2:00 PM
Unsupervised Model Selection Through Test Time Perturbation Consistency
Joshua Talks
2:00 PM
Light-Insight: Spatiotemporal profiling of human early brain organoid development.
Gilles Gut
(ETH Zürich)
2:00 PM
Nellie: Automated organelle segmentation, tracking, and hierarchical feature extraction in 2D/3D live-cell microscopy
Austin E. Y. T. Lefebvre
(Calico Life Sciences LLC)
2:00 PM
FAIR Image Analysis Workflows
Beatriz Serrano-Solano
2:00 PM
Enhancing Image Resolution Through Averaged Autocorrelation Inversion
Daniele Ancora
2:00 PM
Exploring gene function and morphology using JUMP Cell Painting Consortium data
Alán Fernando Muñoz González
(Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT)
2:00 PM
conv-paint: an easy to train interactive pixel classifier for napari
Lucien Hinderling
(Institute of Cell Biology - Universität Bern)
2:00 PM
Discovering explanatory factors of spatial localization with point process models
Dominik Sturm
(TU Dresden / MPI-CBG)
2:00 PM
TopoStats: taking AFM analysis to new heights
Laura Wiggins
(University of Sheffield)
2:00 PM
nlScript: A framework for creating natural-language-based user interfaces
Benjamin Schmid
(OICE, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Ralph Palmisano
(Optical Imaging Competence Centre Erlangen, FAU OICE)
2:00 PM
Detecting immunological synapses in patient samples through analysis of Imaging Flow Cytometry data
Bram van den Broek
(The Netherlands Cancer Institute)
2:00 PM
Automating the Neuronal Differentiation of Ntera-2 Cells
Heather McCourty
(University of Sheffield)
2:00 PM
Using Nextflow for scalable and reproducible batch image analysis
Christian Tischer
2:00 PM
Pollen to pixels: perception of heat stress by machine learning to predict fertility
Daan van den Brink
(Radboud University)
2:00 PM
Investigating the structural complexities of DNA using high resolution atomic force microscopy
Harriet Read
(University of Sheffield)
2:00 PM
Machine learning based Evaluation and Enhancement (EVEN) for optical microscopy
Elena Corbetta
(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
2:00 PM
Pre-Processing Quality Control and Image Exploration for Bioimage Analysis: A Novel Python Application
Ranit Karmakar
(Harvard Medical School)
2:00 PM
User-oriented tools to characterize epithelia dynamics
Gaëlle Letort
(CNRS/Institut Pasteur)
2:00 PM
Cell lineage reconstruction and comparison from light-sheet microscopy image datasets
Ioannis Liaskas
(Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB-FORTH))
2:00 PM
Mars, a molecule archive suite for analysis of single molecule properties from bioimages
Karl Duderstadt
(Technical University of Munich (TUM))
2:00 PM
Fiji Progress and Priorities 2024
Curtis Rueden
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
2:00 PM
From pixels to insights: Learning morphological descriptors from cellular ultrastructure
Jonas Hellgoth
(EMBL Heidelberg)
2:00 PM
Automated Tracking and Analysis of Plasma Membrane Dynamics in TIRF-SIM
Adam Harmanec
(Masaryk University, Brno & Charles University, Prague)
2:00 PM
Bilayers - an easy way to make your favorite deep learning tool more user-friendly
Beth Cimini
(Broad Institute)
2:00 PM
fsdb - an open-source bioimage analysis and (meta) data management framework
Arnim Jenett
(CNRS, TEFOR Paris-Saclay)
2:00 PM
Quantifying intra-tumoral molecular subtype heterogeneity in MIBC from histological slides using a deep learning approach
Alice Blondel
(Centre for Computational Biology (CBIO), Mines Paris, PSL University)
2:00 PM
High-throughput microscopy for deciphering the genetics of cell cycle diversity in wild yeasts
Benedikt Mairhörmann
(Helmholtz Munich)
2:00 PM
Using deep learning on single-cell images to unlock novel disease signatures and candidate therapeutics
Bianca Migliori
(The New York Stem Cell Foundation)
2:00 PM
Beyond spot detection with spotMAX
Francesco Padovani
(Helmholtz Munich)
2:00 PM
Segmentation of budding yeast organelles from bright field time-lapses
Diane Adjavon
(HHMI Janelia/University of Edinburgh)
4:15 PM
Interpreting Microscopy Images with Machine Learning
Inês Martins Cunha
(SciLifeLab, University of Stockholm)
4:27 PM
A Bayesian solution to count the number of molecules within a diffraction limited spot
Alexander Hillsley
(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
4:27 PM
An Image Analysis Pipeline for Quantifying the Spatial Distribution of Fluorescently Labeled Cell Markers in Stroma-Rich Tumors
Antoine Ruzette
(Harvard Medical School)