Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Oct 24, 2024, 5:00 PM
Upper Egg Room - Small (Human Technopole)

Upper Egg Room - Small

Human Technopole


Michael Innerberger (Janelia Research Campus) Stephan Preibisch (HHMI Janelia) Tobias Pietzsch (Janelia Research Campus)


"Lightsheet microscopy is a rapidly developing and spreading technology that now enables imaging of very large, fixed samples such as adult mouse brains at single-cell. Previously, we developed the BigStitcher software that efficiently handles and interactively reconstructs large lightsheet acquisitions up to the terabyte range. However, new types of image acquisitions use modes such as stage-scanning lightsheet microscopy on expanded tissues of mice, monkey and eventually human samples, and pose new challenges in terms of dataset size and processing time. At the same time cloud-based processing is becoming standard.

Therefore, we developed BigStitcher-Spark (https://github.com/JaneliaSciComp/BigStitcher-Spark), which allows to run the entire BigStitcher pipeline distributed (local, cluster, cloud). It seamlessly switches between the BigStitcher GUI and distributed Spark execution, provides 10x faster fusion, and enables expert-user automation using the command line and easily accessible code.

In the workshop, we will teach how to use BigStitcher-Spark on smaller toy examples, which includes execution and viewing on the cloud for potentially massive parallel processing for very large datasets."

Target audience Advanced users, Intermediate developers, Advanced developers
Keywords lightsheet microscopy, stitching, cloud processing

Presentation materials

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