Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

motile: Multi-Object Tracking with Integer Linear Equations

Oct 24, 2024, 5:00 PM
Mezzanine Room (Human Technopole)

Mezzanine Room

Human Technopole


Anniek Stokkermans (Hubrecht Institute) Carolin Mailin-Mayor (HHMI Janelia)


We will present "motile" (https://funkelab.github.io/motile/) and its napari plugin for the tracking of objects in image sequences. The plugin allows users to go from a segmentation (e.g., of cells or nuclei) to a full tracking solution (e.g., a lineage tree) within a few clicks. Motile uses integer linear programs (ILPs) to solve tracking problems and comes with many useful costs and constraints included. This workshop will consist of two parts: First, we will demonstrate the GUI of the napari plugin and how it can be used for several tracking problems with different requirements. In the second part, we will show how using motile (the underlying library) avoids writing complicated ILPs by hand and how to extend it with custom costs and constraints.

Target audience Beginner users, Intermediate developers
Keywords cell tracking, particle tracking, constrained optimization, machine learning, napari plugin

Presentation materials

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