Oct 23 – 25, 2024
Milan, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

pymmcore-plus: a pure python way to control your microscope with Micro-Manager

Oct 23, 2024, 2:00 PM
2h 30m
Triulza Academy

Triulza Academy

Board: 42


Federico Gasparoli (Harvard University)


We are excited to introduce the community to pymmcore-plus, a new package for controlling microscopes through the open-source software Micro-Manager within a pure Python environment. pymmcore-plus is an extension of pymmcore, the original Python 3.x bindings for the C++ Micro-Manager core and, as such, it operates independently of Java, eliminating the need for Java dependencies. A key feature is its multi-dimensional acquisition engine implemented in pure Python that facilitates "on-the-fly" image processing and image analysis and enables "smart microscopy" capabilities. Since pymmcore-plus does not rely on the Java Graphical User Interface (GUI), we also developed a related package named pymmcore-widgets which provides a collection of Qt-based widgets that can be used in combination with pymmcore-plus to create custom GUIs (e.g. napari-micromanager).

Authors Federico Gasparoli*, Talley Lambert, Jennifer Waters
Keywords microscopy, micromanager, pymmcore, pymmcore-plus

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